XX 2008: Panama
22 Participants: Front Row Sitting: Carl Rianhard, John Morris, Greg Grinnell, Bob Petersen, Richard Abbitt, Bob Pearlman, Brian Gadol. Second Row Standing/Siting: Chris Tesari, Tom Turney, Darren Testa, Robert Antt, Blaise Fettig, Ken Deemer. Back Row Standing: Rick Morales-lead guide, Dave Witherow, Steve Leffler, Hans Imhof, Patrick Coakley, Chris Luhnow, Jack Faraone, Gene Banman. Not Shown: Bob Dulsky, Ken Koontz.
A trek across the isthmus of Panama. This 4 day trip took us through virgin rain forest that had not been travelled since the Spaniards forced the local people to carry gold and silver from Panama City to Portobello for transport to Spain. We waded through rivers in our jungle boots and slept off of the ground in jungle hammocks. Chris Luhnow drove a trekking pole through his hand, requiring some emergency first aid, and Ken Koontz developed such mondo blisters that he was evacuated on a horse (or mule - we’re not sure). Amazingly, no one go bit by the many fer-de-lances we saw en route. In Portobello, we had a day of diving and relaxing. We visited the Panama Canal and had a fairly wild night in Panama City!