XXIX 2018: Land Sailing
20 Participants: Kneeling: Michael Moskowitz, Dave Witherow, Marty Zigman, Bob Pearlman (behind), Doug Tung. Standing: John Morris, Geg Hargrave, Lee Weinberg, John Kohn, Dick Hansen, Barry Boscoe, Richard Knowlton (behind), Chris Tesari, Rich Kuntz, Ken Koontz, Gene Banman, Ken Deemer, Jim Saake, Bruce Hallett, Tom Turney.
We headed to some dry lake beds near Tonopah, Nevada, for some land sailing. Winds were intermittent so we alternated between sitting waiting and shooting across the desert. In Tonopah the first night there was a mixup in our reservation and we had to scramble to find rooms. The Tonopah liquor Company rewarded us for the hassle. One day we visited a stone “castle” hand built by an eccentric individual over a few decades. The last night in Vegas got a bit crazy.