XXVIII 2017: Toulumne River
17 Participants: Front Row: Richard Knowlton, Bob Petersen, Dave Witherow, Vinny Fazzino, Barry Boscoe, Tom Turney. Second Row: Andrew Reiner, Marty Zigman, Ken Deemer, Steve Burns, Greg Greenstein, Bob Pearlman, Chris Tesari, John Ulrich, Cedric Tuck-Sherman, Doug Tung.
We had a three-day paddle on the Toulumne River outside of Yosemite. The flow was so high that we could have done the entire trip in one day. But the guides stretched it out so that we could enjoy some hiking and camping. Early on we ran one of the biggest rapids where one boat flipped rather spectacularly. Perhaps this is why the official photographer chose this spot to hang out. Other than some wounded egos, the trip was a blast.